Guess what this is. Hahaha!
For the beginner, and a working girl at that, cooking on weekdays must be my biggest challenge. This is one thing i discuss with my fiancé a lot. My husband-to-be is not a picky eater, thank God, but is a very hungry one. He's always hungry; his body follows a strict cycle and must be fed every couple of hours, else he grows weak, crabby and loses more weight than he can ever gain (he's a slim guy, so I do wonder where all the calories run to hide).
Although armed with my mom's mother's lutong bahay recipes, with which you can never go wrong, I discover this is not enough. Every now and then, I must be able to make busy, tiring weekdays exciting.
Impossible? Not at all! Doing Weekday Cheap Shots are very possible, even feasible and fun! Even yields leftovers for baon the next day!